
Our 5 ways to survive the lockdown and enjoy a ‘staycation’

The current situation is far from ideal and as we approach the enjoy the sunny weather, it would be great to still get that ‘holiday vibe’ even if you have to re-create it from the comfort of your own home.
  1. Travel from the comfort of your own home…
Pick a country to visit each weekend and immerse yourself in their culinary creations. If you want to take it one step further, why not dress the part too! Why not start with a simple one and head to Italy this weekend…pizza night on Friday, spaghetti Bolognese on Saturday then find something a little more authentic for Sunday. This is a great opportunity to get out those recipe books that you’ve never really used!
  1. Have a date night…
Whether it’s with family, your partner or friends via zoom, get dressed up, light the candles and pour a glass of your favourite beverage (or whatever you can get your hands on during these limited times). Only focus on those you’re dining with, be it in real life or via an app based video link, and enjoy each other’s company.
  1. Bring the outdoors indoors…
Set the tent up in your garden or living room (if you have space!) Don’t have a garden or a tent? Not to worry, why not make a tent style den with some old bed sheets, drag the mattress downstairs and pretend you’re in a remote location with no interruptions. Toast marshmallows on the fire or make yourselves a toasty hot chocolate and picnic tea to enjoy as you would if you were getting back to nature. Drink out of picnic cups, lay back and pick out constellations from your imaginary clear and starry sky.
  1. Leave the tech upstairs…
It’s easy to get immersed in the madness of social media with so much being circulated online as well as using it as a way to pass the extra time we have found ourselves with. But set some time aside to be tech-free. Have a traditional games night with the family or house mates. Grab a pack of cards and enjoy a game of rummy or resort to the old classic – monopoly!
  1. Missing a cinema or spa trip?
Bring your little luxury treat trips into your home and save some pennies whilst the real destination is shut. Would you usually treat yourself to a spa trip with the girls or a family cinema trip? Need a pamper? Missing a trip to the spa? Why not raid the cupboard and I’m sure you’ll find ample products to re-create the facial experience, run a bubble bath, light the candles and enjoy a glass of wine whilst you sit back and relax. Fancy a trip to the cinema? Grab a bag of popcorn when you’re out doing your essentials shopping trip, pick a classic family favourite film or try something completely new from your preferred online streaming site or the dusty DVD collection.
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