
As the temperatures start to drop, we have put together some handy tips to help you protect your seasonal tourer from unnecessary and costly damage:

  • Drain off stand pipe by turning the water off below ground (under the blue flag) and leaving the bib tap open. (If in doubt, just ask).
  • Put all garden furniture inside your storage box or tourer to prevent them being blown around or stolen. The same applies for cables, containers, and solar lights.
  • Put all outside doormats inside the tourer.
  • Do not leave any unnecessary items underneath the touring caravan during the winter months.
  • If you have to leave bikes  please make sure they are stored inside your tourer or inside your storage box.
  • Take all valuables and electrical items home with you over the closed months.
  • Make sure all window catches and locks are secure before you leave the park.
  • Ensure all skylights are locked securely, as during bad winter weather they can be blown open more easily.
  • Check fire alarm batteries before you leave so they work properly over the closed season.
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